You need to be patient

You are here for the long run

Good things take time. Before you became a manager the result of your action often was a reload in your browser away. Now it can take weeks, months, or sometimes years. An organization adapts slowly. Remember how long it takes for you to adjust to a new set of behaviors.

Why it matters: When you expect things to change tomorrow you will be disappointed. You will make promises that you can’t keep. You demotivate yourself and others by setting unrealistic expectations. Remember that you are in for the long run.

Dig deeper:

  • While the big results take longer, you can look for small wins and also consider them while planning.

  • Create milestones and confirm if you and your team are going in the right direction.

  • If you aren't sure about a change, experiment first, and don't wait for the big result to unveil. Create a timeframe for trying new behaviors, and iterate based on experiments.

    • It's easier to convince skeptics to try an experiment than to commit to a big project.

  • Document your way - this helps you celebrate the small wins and stay motivated and on top of the bigger plan.

Think about it for a while - how do you approach bigger changes? Do you get demotivated when something doesn't work immediately?

— Daniel