You need more ENERGY in your communication!

💌 250 words ⌛ 1 minute

Check yourself before entering any conversation. Look into the mirror. Are you energetic? What are you radiating? Are you excited? Are you in a good mood? Take a deep breath and bring yourself into the right mood for the conversation you are about to have.

Why it matters: The energy you bring into a conversation is contagious. The people you talk to mirror you. People will reflect your low or bad mood. The same works vice-versa: Enter with a good mood, and they will reflect it.

Dig deeper:

  • Record and review yourself

    • Pick a topic, set a timer for 5 minutes, and hit record. Just improvise and go with the flow.

    • Review the video on the next day.

    • Ask yourself: Is this the person and energy you want to project, or do you want to turn it up a notch?

    • Repeat that process until you reach the desired energy level.

  • No, you won't be perceived as fake:

    • People are used to your vocal and visual image right now.

    • Practice slowly to get from a 3 to 7 and people will get used to it.

    • If you don't tell anyone, they won't even notice - and if they notice, even better.

  • Yes, you can't always be super energetic.

    • We all have "off" days.

    • Raising your baseline energy will also take care of that.

    • And yes, you are still allowed to have a bad day.

How would you rate your current energy level? Hit reply!

— Daniel